Affiliate Disclosure

How uses Referral Links earns a commission by recommending products or services to our visitors using affiliate links.

In compliance with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) guidelines, this is our affiliate disclaimer to avoid any misunderstanding by visitors to our blog. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to

When we recommend a product or service that is part of an affiliate program, sometimes we may implement affiliate links. Please be advised that this doesn’t increase costs for the purchaser. reviews and compares water filtration services, providers, and products. These activities may sometimes be discounted or paid for by the company offering the product/ service.

To ensure transparency, protect ourselves and our site users’ experience, please assume that for every product or service mentioned with a link on, one or many of the following may be true:

We are paid enduring commissions for any sales made through one of our referral links;
We are paid a one-time commission for any sales made through one of our referral links;
We are provided with a discount on the product or service being reviewed, up to 100%
While we may have received compensation for our feature or services on, we do not guarantee positive reviews and limit the products and services we review to a select few based on quality.


If you have any further questions regarding this affiliate disclaimer, please refer to our privacy policy or contact us.